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  • Harmful Bacterial Contamination Commonly Found in Water

    Harmful Bacterial Contamination Commonly Found in Water


    The US has one of the safest drinking water supplies in the world, but drinking water that harbors disease-causing bacteria or viruses, known as pathogens, can make you sick.

    The EPA requires public water systems to regularly test for coliform bacteria (which is an indicator of pathogens in the water), and if detected to issue a public notice within 24 hours, telling you what to do to stay safe.

    But If you get your water from a private well or other untreated water source, you are responsible for testing and treating your water to make sure it’s safe and healthy.

    If your water is at risk, effective treatment solutions can protect your health and peace of mind.

    Is bacteria in water an issue?

    Clean, safe water is vital for public health. Waterborne infections are still responsible for illness and death worldwide. Microorganisms capable of causing disease may be found in both public and private water supplies.

    Since the early 1900s, US cities have been disinfecting municipal water supplies to eliminate waterborne pathogens. The first federal bacteriological water quality standards were set in 1914, and in 1974 the federal Safe Drinking Water Act was passed to ensure public water safety, which requires the EPA to set and monitor the standards for public water systems.

    While treated public water is at less risk of carrying harmful bacteria or viruses than private well water, there are still pathogens found to contaminate both public and private water supplies.

    What are the most common bacteria in water?

    Infectious microorganisms that may be found in your drinking water include bacteria, viruses, and protozoans.

    Pathogenic bacteria

    Pathogenic bacteria are most likely found in unchlorinated private water supplies and stored water.

    E. Coli (Escherichia Coli) is a type of fecal coliform bacteria found in the intestines of animals and humans. The presence of E. coli in your water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. Rural areas with irrigation and agriculture are at higher risk of E. coli infecting a water source.

    During rainfalls, snow melts, or other types of precipitation, E. coli may be washed into creeks, rivers, streams, lakes, or groundwater. If these water sources are not treated or are inadequately treated, E. coli may end up in the drinking water.

    Although most strains of E.coli live harmlessly in the intestines of healthy humans and animals, there is a strain that produces a powerful toxin and can cause severe illness.

    This infection often causes severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The greatest risk is to children under the age of five, the elderly, and people whose health is immunocompromised (i.e., people who have long-term illnesses such as cancer or AIDS).

    Salmonella Enterica is most commonly spread by the improper handling of raw foods, such as chicken. But less frequently, it has also been associated with outbreaks from contaminated drinking water.

    Shigella is a group of bacteria that causes shigellosis, one of the most contagious types of diarrhea caused by bacteria. It is a common cause of waterborne outbreaks in the United States, but most of these outbreaks occur in recreational water (communal pools or lakes) rather than in drinking water. However, shallow, private wells can be at risk from storm runoff, agricultural waste, and broken sewage systems or septic tanks.


    Infectious microbes are about 100 times smaller than bacteria. However, viruses are less likely to be the source of infection in private wells than bacteria.

    Noroviruses cause intestinal illness, or gastroenteritis, and have been associated with outbreak on cruise ships and in communities, restaurants, camps, schools, institutions and families.

    Rotaviruses cause intestinal illnesses and are the most common cause of severe diarrhea among infants and children. Before the introduction of a rotavirus vaccine in 2006, about 55,000 children were hospitalized with rotavirus infections each year in the United States.

    Private wells can be contaminated by these viruses from the feces of infected humans. This waste can enter the well through sewage overflows, sewage systems that aren’t working properly and by polluted stormwater runoff.

    Wells may be more vulnerable to such contamination after flooding, particularly if the wells are shallow, have been dug or bored, or have been submerged by floodwater for long periods of time.

    Protozoans and Waterborne Cysts

    Waterborne cysts are very common and found in most water sources.

    Cryptosporidium and Giardia are the most commonly identified causes of waterborne illness in the United States.

    These microorganisms are Protozoa with complex life cycles. They exist in a cyst form, very much like a microscopic egg.

    When even a few cysts are consumed, they enter the small intestine, where they excyst, or "hatch," and can multiply into millions of protozoa. Giardiasis and Cryptosporidiosis are flu-like illnesses with symptoms involving persistent diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, weight loss and sometimes dehydration.

    Cysts enter the water through treated and untreated sewage discharges. Livestock are notorious carriers of Cryptosporidium, while beavers have been identified as a carrier of Giardia.

    Once in the water, both protozoan cysts remain capable of infecting a host for many months, especially in colder water where they are more resistant to natural die-off.

    Similar to spores, cysts tend to be more resistant to destruction by disinfection.

    How do you know if your water has bacteria?

    You can’t see, taste, or smell bacterial contamination, and health-related symptoms may not be immediate. The only way to know for sure what’s lurking in your water is to test it.

    Typically water supplies are tested for the presence of coliform bacteria - a total coliform test. You can contact a certified water testing laboratory for more information.

    How do you get rid of bacteria in water?

    If you are on city water, your municipal wastewater treatment system already uses many water treatment methods to make your water safe. Both filtration and disinfection by chlorine chemicals are the most commonly used treatment methods.

    For private wells or other untreated water sources, it may be necessary to install disinfection or purification systems to ensure your water is safe.

    Home water treatment devices treat water either where it enters the home (point of entry) or at the point where it comes out the tap (point of use.) The treatment solutions include Ultraviolet Disinfection, Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis and Chlorine.

    Ultraviolet (UV) Light Disinfection

    The most effective treatment to protect your home from bacterial disinfection is a whole house Ultraviolet (UV) purification system. A chemical-free approach to disinfection, UV systems expose water to light at just the right wavelength for deactivating microbes, bacteria, viruses, protozoans and cysts that may be present in the water.

    By deactivating the DNA of the bacteria and viruses, UV light removes their ability to multiply and reproduce, eliminating the normal threat to your health

    Because these systems are installed at the point of entry to your home, they will protect the water coming out of every tap.

    Shop UV Purification Systems

    Reverse Osmosis

    Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are capable of removing particles smaller than one micron in size. Water is passed through a membrane filter with very small pores under high pressure to remove minerals and contaminants, including microorganisms.

    Though capable of removing microorganisms, it is not recommended that you rely on reverse osmosis as the primary source for removing pathogens in your water.

    Shop Reverse Osmosis Systems

    Chlorine Treatment

    While chlorine is used by public water treatment systems to disinfect water supplies, it can also be applied to private wells for periodic disinfection.

    “Shock chlorination” - where a strong dose of concentrated chlorine solution is introduced to the well to treat bacteria - may be used anytime a new well is bored, or a well pump is repaired or maintained.

    While effective, shock chlorination does not guarantee permanent bacterial elimination over time, and can damage other water filtration equipment.

    Eliminate bacterial contamination for safe water

    Bacterial contamination is a serious threat to water safety. The best solution to protect your home and health will provide you with peace of mind over time.

    When evaluating treatment systems, Tier1 offers the products you need to fix your problems.

    If you’d like a personalized recommendation for your home, the Technical Support Team at is available to chat or answer your call.
