Price Per Item | |
2 PACK | $105.84 |
3 PACK | $102.57 |
4 PACK | $99.30 |
6 PACK | $96.02 |
Looking for a value driven, alternative solution to your name brand "factory" replacement lamp? US Water Filters replacement lamps are made to the exact same stringent manufacturing protocols, and are backed by a one-year, no-hassle warranty. The USWF-140161 is a replacement for VIQUA 602854 ultraviolet lamp, for use in the VIQUA PRO10 system and discontinued Trojan G, G+ systems. This high-performance amalgam UV lamp reduces maintenance requirements by lasting up to 2 years before needing replacement. After 18,000 hours the UV light weakens and isn't strong enough to properly treat your water. Replacing your lamp every 2 years ensures optimal system performance. Safety Note: NEVER look directly at the UV lamp when it is powered on. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury to eyes and skin. Includes 2 replacement o-rings.