Price Per Item | |
2 PACK | $68.64 |
3 PACK | $66.52 |
4 PACK | $64.40 |
6 PACK | $62.27 |
Looking for a value driven, alternative solution to your name brand "factory" replacement UV lamp and sleeve? US Water Filters replacement lamps and sleeves are made in the US to the exact same stringent manufacturing protocols, and are backed by a one-year, no-hassle warranty. The USWF-148086 is a replacement for VIQUA QL-410 Lamp/Sleeve replacement combo pack used in the VIQUA VH410, VH410M, VH410-V, VH410M-V, VH410-F20, & PUV-14 series of ultraviolet water systems. The UV lamp needs replacement every 12 months. After 10,000 hours the UV light weakens and isn't strong enough to properly treat your water. Replacing your lamp annually to ensure optimal system performance. The quartz sleeve is an important part of the UV water treatment system. It protects the UV lamp from coming in contact with the water while allowing the UV light to permeate the water. Minerals from the water will build up on the sleeve over time causing the sleeve to become cloudy not allowing the UV light to permeate the water as effectively. Once the mineral layer on the quartz sleeve cannot be removed via cleaning, or the sleeve cracks or breaks it's time to get a replacement. USWF-148086 includes the USWF-140148 lamp, USWF-350086 sleeve, and 4 extra o-rings to ensure you can replace the o-rings after every cleaning and lamp replacement. Safety Note: NEVER look directly at the UV lamp when it is powered on. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury to eyes and skin.